Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Drogskol Captain and other great spirit cards

Jon Finkels deck for the Pro Tour 2012 relied heavily on the Drogskol Captain:

This 2/2 flying spirit soldier gives all other spirit creatures you control +1/+1 and hexproof.
The beautiful part of this is a that if you have 2 Drogskol Captains in play both of them will be hexproof, making it virtually impossible for your opponent to get rid of them.

Jon Finkel combined the Captain with Lingering Souls, a MTG sorcery card that puts 2 1/1 spirit creatures into play.
In the previous scenario with 2 Drogskol Captains in place those 2 spirits would suddenly be 3/3 with flying and hexproof, not bad for a 1 white 2 colorless mana card. Furthermore Lingering souls has Flashback so for 1 black, 1 colorless mana you can get another set of 3/3 creatures into play.

With the success Jon Finkels spirit/delver deck had at the Honululu event it is only a matter of time before other great spirit decks pop up. Finkel filled out his deck with Snapcaster mage and Delver of Secret, however it should be possible to find some more cool spirit cards to replace those with.

If you are not playing tournaments, but just looking to have some casual fun, then adding Azorius Herald or Drogskol Reaver could work out for you.

Or you can just go with Jon Finkels deck as it is tested and tried and found very strong. You can find Finkels complete Pro Tour semi final deck here as well as a full list of all DKA cards so you can add or edit the spirit deck as you see fit.

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