Thursday, 3 October 2013

Words, words, words

When I became a mom there were some words that suddenly disappeared entirely from my vocabulary. If you are a parent, then you can probably relate. If not, you can have a laugh over how much parents whine... ;)

Gaming Session
We are a group of friends who just bought the same multiplayer game, lets sit down and have an all night gaming session... Yeah not gonna happen! You may get to play an hour or two, but then you will either have to feed your baby or go to sleep yourself in order to survive the 5 am morning call.

Which leads us neatly to the next word:

Uninterrupted gaming, uninterrupted sleep, uninterrupted dinner or just an uninterrupted conversation. None of these exist anymore in my world so I might as well get rid of the word and just get on with life.

I am just gonna pop to the shop for some milk. Hah! There is no "just" with a baby. Every time you leave the house you have to carry supplies for a small army and if you are going for a visit it feels like you are actually moving in with the person you are going to see. Diapers, towels, extra clothes, food, toys, muslin clothes, lift, carseat, pram etc. etc. etc. 

Related to just, but it is a word that has so prominently disappeared that it deserves its own mention. A quick dinner will end up as a 3 hour project as you juggle pots, pans, diapers and dummies trying to keep your baby happy and away from the hot stove, while not burning anything.

And saying "I will write a quick blogpost" becomes a  laughing matter when your little baby girl poops herself every third sentence and then decides to hunt for the speakers cables, sending you on a wild chase to baby proof.
Well I guess quick still exists in my vocabulary in some forms such as:
Quick eat your dinner before she wakes.
Quick lets give her a bath before she gets angry.
Quick take a photo while she is looking happy.
and of course the old sentimental oh she grows up way too quickly.

What words have you lost after becoming a parent?

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