Tuesday, 1 January 2013

A gamers Christmas

Happy Christmas and 2013 for everyone out there.

I celebrated my Christmas in Denmark with my family, showing of the growing stomach and eating a lot of unhealthy food. (I try to eat as healthily as possible for the sake of my developing baby and as such it was a triple treat to go wild at the Christmas dinner.)

As is tradition in my family the evening of the 25th was spent playing boardgames and geeking out. This year I purchased the much acclaimed Pandemic for my cousin and as such it was the choice of the night.

The game is a coorperative challenge where you fight together as a team against an out of control epidemic of vira, bacteria and other nasty stuff that is spreading rapidly across the globe.

Each player gets a specific role such as the Medic, the Scientist, the Researcher etc. and each role has specific strenghts. As such the Medic is much better at curing infected cities, whereas the Scientist is better at developing cures to rid the world of the disease forever.

During the course of the game you need to make strategic decissions together with the rest of the group of players and depending on your choices you may or may not succeed in saving the world.

The game is relatively fast paced and quite easy to get into. In 4-5 hours we managed to learn the rules and get about 6 games in which is not bad for a relatively complex boardgame.

Furthermore it is a game that I expect even younger children of age 12+ will be able to enjoy both because it is relatively easy to understand the rules and also because of the coorperative nature of the game. The latter ensures that everyone are a winner (or a looser ;))

All in all Pandemic is a really enjoyable game and I would recommend it as part of the arsenal for any boardgame geek.

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