Saturday, 12 January 2013

Mistborn video game and movie adaptation

Not only is today awesome because it is Saturday and weekend. No! I managed to stumble onto something that got me very, very excited.

You guys hopefully know Brandon Sanderson? If not, then it is time to start reading some proper fantasy novels! Not only is he the guy who was asked to finish Robert Jordans Wheel of Time series, but he has also written some amazing books on his own.

The Mistborn Trilogy is one of the most innovative and intersting fantasy books I have read. The universe is quite unique and the characters interesting and believable. I highly recommend grabbing these if you have room in your busy schedule for some proper fantasy litterature.

Anyways, what made me so excited on this January Saturday?  I was thrawling the Internet and came across an article mentioning Mistborn: Birthright. Yup, that is right, they are making a game that is supposed to follow the Mistborn novels.

There is very little information out on the game yet, but I am hoping it will be amazing!

That is not all though, while browsing around for more information about the Mistborn game I came across this blogpost by Mr Sanderson himself, talking about a potential Mistborn movie.

Now I don't think there is any novel or universe out there I would rather see make it to the big screen so I was a bit disappointed to read that they are still looking for a studio willing to back the project. However, they have made a mood video (made by editing clips from other movies together in order to show the feel of the movie they would like to make) which you can watch below and I figure that if we can make some noise about this project and share it enough, it might grab the attention of some of the studios out there.

My only fear is that it will end up as badly done as Eragon, however if that is the case, there is still the game right?

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